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Indian government involved in financial fraud on female domain investors, who are denied the right to equality

Female indian domain investors openly discriminated against in India, denied the right to equality

The recent TCS code robbery case in the United states is the tip of the iceberg, an indication of the rampant BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, ROBBERY, CHEATING AND HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES in the indian internet and IT sector, indicating the LACK OF ETHICS of the most powerful intelligence and security agency employees in India. The fraud has continued since 2010 and the cowardly indian mainstream media refuse to cover the fraud, and the indian government is openly violating international laws, especially the right to equality.

Worldwide, a person is considered to be a domain investor only if they are investing their money in domain names,paying the annual expenses, yet in a clear case of discrimination, NTRO, raw, cbi, central indian and state governments especially goan government falsely claim that lazy greedy goan call girls slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, robbers like veena, school dropouts like fair skinned naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other lazy greedy google sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, own the domains of a private citizen, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary

The indian government is repeating the lies of the shameless section 420 FRAUD LIAR BRAHMIN NTRO employees led by the mhow cheater puneet,j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, patel, vijay who falsely claim to know the domain investor very well, when they have not contacted at all in the last 25 years, and are unlikely to contact her in future also. The domain investor does not have their contact number, and does not even remember the faces of most of these fraud ntro employees who have stolen her identity to get their favorite sex service providers, girlfriends and relatives raw/cbi jobs, yet the indian government blindly believes their lies

The google masterminded financial fraud started in 2010, and 9 years later the fraud ntro, raw/cbi employees faking domaing ownership have not purchased the domains legally, they have not sent a RFP, and are unlikely to purchase the domains. There are thousands of domain investors in India, they all legally own the domain names, yet in clear case of government fraud since 2010, raw/cbi employees refuse to purchase the domain names of the domain investor, yet get a monthly salary for faking domain ownership

Additionally like the code robber TCS employees the robber raw/cbi employees like riddhi caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan and their associates are also ROBBING all the correspondence of the domain investor causing great losses without a legally valid reason. The domain investor is spending a lot of her time and money writing to pay the domain, internet expenses, yet in a clear case of criminal defamation, the fraud raw/cbi/ntro employees are making fake allegations without any proof against the domain investor, and then falsely claiming to own the domains of a private citizen

Fraud liar ntro employees should realize that in addition to physics skills, the fraud raw/cbi employees are inferior in many ways

One of the greatest frauds of the ntro employees is how they falsely claim that the 10 google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, cheater, school dropout and other fraud raw/cbi employees who they are gifting the ROBBED MEMORY of a single woman engineer, is identical in all ways, except physics skills, problem solving ability.

In reality there is a lot of difference between the mediocre lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, sugar babies of ntro employees and the engineer whose identity they have stolen to get a raw/cbi job. The raw/cbi employees lack a large number of skills like computer, english language, engineering skills, which the engineer has. They also lack the work ethic, interest in working online and risk taking ability.

These lazy fraud raw/cbi employees only want to take credit with the help of the powerful fraud liar ntro employees it is not gambling . It is time that the ntro employees give up on their cruel inhuman human cloning non consensual human experiment.

Quick answers to physics questions by experienced engineer

Experienced engineer with good JEE rank whose identity has been stolen by the powerful fraud sugar daddy NTRO employees, state and central government to get their 10 lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre call girl, school dropout, cheater housewife , robber and other fraud sugar babies, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, offers physics homework help, answers to the physics questions

Detailed explaination of the calculation, principles and laws will be provided on Skype if ntro does not steal correspondence.
Specifically interested in gravity, volume, density, flow related calculations.
Free trial offered in specific cases.
For more details contact on skype :
Have helped some customers outside india.
More details at Physics, questions, answers, experienced help and guidance

Note : Due to NTRO, R&AW,cbi correspondence theft since 2010, it is highly unlikely that anyone will actually contact the domain investor, the domains are being developed since parking revenues are zero.,

Guidetogoa was not registered by domain investor, yet she is being harassed in goa

One of the never ending frauds of indian intelligence agencies is how citizens are harassed for owning domain names, though they have not registered the domain name. The domain name guidetogoa was registered for a relative of the domain investor for free , since the relative is and was an employee, and owning domains may be a problem.

The relative never paid any registration fee or expenses for the domain, it was just a hobby for him and lost interest in the domain name, and since the domain investor was making plenty of money in 2006-2010, she had given the domain free.
yet the intelligence and security agencies in goa, are hounding the domain investor, though she did not register the domain, and also most of the content was not created by her, she is holding the domain since it is an aged domain

Few can match the indian internet sector in defaming, cheating, exploiting and harassing overworked paypal account holders

Google,tata have perfected the art of defaming, cheating, exploiting and harassing overworked harmless paypal account holders in India, forcing them to work like slaves without a fair compensation, and indirectly pay for the sex, money bribes which the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership are paying to the top indian intelligence and security agencies on behalf of google, tata

In the indian internet sector, top ntro and other officials are liars putting indian paypal account holders under surveillance and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends and relatives, who are not spending any time and money online, are doing the computer work to get their associates raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real paypal account holder. Harassment of the real paypal account holder includes stealing leads, orders, correspondence, hacking of mobile phones,computers, electronic devices, non consensual human experimentation.

Led by the mhow cheater puneet, the ntro employees are also extremely vicious in defaming and destroying the life of the real paypal account holder, refusing to acknowledge the time and money the person is spending online, falsely giving their lazy greedy call girl, fraud friends and relatives who do not spend any time online, credit and a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder, who is broke

Google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking engineering degree cause of defence scams

India has a population of 1.3 billion , yet it is unable to develop much equipment , is importing defence equipment from far smaller countries like israel, causing defense scams like the rafale deal mainly because it is involved in the large scale identity theft of harmless engineers with a good jee rank, allegedy bribed by google, tata

Though the google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are well connected and charming, they have not studied physics, chemistry, maths, thoroughly the way engineers who actually have degrees from top colleges have, so their problem solving ability will be less and these raw/cbi employees also lack the work ethic of experienced engineers.

The indian government’s fails to realize that these lazy fraud raw/cbi employees with fake degrees will also not develop any technical product or service.

Fraud liar ntro, google, tata employees should end their fake team stories defaming, cheating and exploiting domain investor, google competitor

One of the greatest frauds in the indian internet sector is how the powerful fraud liar ntro, google, tata employees led by mhow cheater puneet, parmar, vijay, j srinivasan are making up fake team stories, falsely associating their greedy inexperienced lazy girlfriends, who do no work at all, to defame, cheat and exploit domain investor, google competitor, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, just because she is working from home.

All these lazy greedy mediocre cheater women are only looking after their home , families, enjoying themselves, yet in one of the worst cases of defamation fraud ntro employees like j srinivasan are falsely claiming that their girlfriends like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl, offering sex services are working on the computer, when actually surveillance will prove that she is enjoying with her boyfriend, kissing his neck while they are riding the scooter in panaji, goa. It appears that sunaina and her boyfriend are madly in love, they do not care about the stares of people which their public display of affection(PDA) evokes in panaji.

In a clear indication of the lack of honesty, integrity and humanity of the google, tata, ntro employees they refuse to acknowledge the time which is required to do work online and shamelessly make fake claims abusing their powers. If people do not have enough time, they are forced to hire freelancers, however the domain investor is making so less money from advertising in 2018, that she cannot afford to hire anyone, she has to offer services to others to pay domain renewal expenses. No one works for anyone else for free, spending many hours daily on the laptop and the fraud ntro employees should end their fraud at the earliest

Fraud ntro employees falsely claim that sunaina, their favorite call girl is writing the blogposts including this one exposing her affair , paying the webhosting expenses, when it can be legally proved that she is not spending any time and money. The fraud ntro employees are not deindexing the websites, so their favorite call girl can get credit, powers and salary without doing any work at all, without spending any money online.

The criminal trespassing of the house of the google competitor is part of the fake team stories with goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, repeatedly trespassing on the house of the domain investor, as part of the fake team fraud. A house is expensive, if the loan is not paid it will be foreclosed, yet the real estate fraud in panaji, goa continues

Corrupt fraud bribe taking, LIAR NTRO, R&AW,cbi, indian security agencies refuse to acknowledge time spent by real Paypal account holders in India

The income of real indian paypal account holders is just like the income of other professionals in India, like lawyers, doctors, consultants, they are providing a service or selling a product to customers outside india, and are paid for the service or product they provide. No one is paying money for nothing

Most countries like China are encouraging exporters because the more the country exports, the greater the economic power of the country however in India, especially goa, the real exporters are defamed viciously and corrupt government falsely claims call girls, dropouts and other google, tata sponsored frauds who do not spend any time at all, are the exporters.

However in one of the greatest online frauds in India, masterminded by cheater companies like google, tata , Corrupt fraud LIAR NTRO, R&AW,cbi, indian security agencies refuse to acknowledge time spent,effort and skills required by real Paypal account holders in India to sell products and services to customers outside India, falsely claim that the small amount of money earned by the paypal account holders is posing a security threat and then falsely claim that the Paypal account belongs to their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives, friends and other google, tata sponsored bribe giving frauds , to get all the frauds lucrative raw/cbi jobs .

A top secret wifi network is used to monitor all the paypal account holders, steal data from their computers, so that the fraud is not exposed.,

In some cases, like that of the domain investor, engineer, R&AW/cbi, ntro, security agencies have made it impossible to get any paid work in India, so the domain investor is only making a small amount of money to pay her daily expenses like food,clothes and travel, the security agencies have not been able to provide any legally valid evidence that the money is used for illegal activities despite putting the engineer under surveillance for more than 8 years since 2010.

Yet bribed by google, tata, NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agencies continue with time and expenses fraud on indian paypal holders refusing to acknowledge the time and money spent by the real paypal account holder to make money online, and are abusing their powers to falsely give google, tata sponsored call girls, cheater housewives and other bribe giving frauds like school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, and others , credit and monthly salary, rewards for time and money they do not spend, work they do not do, while the real paypal account holders is viciously defamed, cheated and exploited by the fraud tata employees adversely affecting personal and professional reputation.

It is time that the google, tata masterminded Time, earning and expenses fraud on indian paypal account holders since 2010 is exposed, and questions asked to NTRO, security agency employees making fake claims, exploiting, defaming the real paypal account holder. Bank details will expose the google, tata masterminded fraud on indian paypal account holders, due to which the indian and state governments are refusing to acknowledge the time spent by, skills, experience of the real paypal account holders

Torture techniques for online work

Working online in India is extremely risky because the ntro employees who cannot be identified or held accountable, are allowed to waste crores of tax payer money to torture and destroy the life of those working online, with indian paypal account holders, domain investors especially targetted.
The torture techniques for online jobs are extremely sophisticated, using wireless methods, radiation weapons as they have the great advantage of deniability. Unlike physical assault, there is no visible proof of damage externally on the body, though the victim will experience great pain, as the the cells and nerves in the body are getting damaged.
The cowardly indian mainstream media refuses to cover the news of this hitech torture, human rights abuses on harmless indian citizens, destroying their life

Wifi network used to delete content on google competitors micromax laptop remotely

In a clear indication how malicious and cruel the well paid ntro employees getting sex, money bribes from google, tata, are they are hacking the micromax keyboard, and moving the cursor randomly, deleting typed text when the google competitor is online, to waste her time and increase mistakes

Almost everything she is typing is being deleted remotely by the malicious fraud ntro employees enjoying regular sex with google, tata supplied goan raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar , forcing her to waste her time typing the same data twice or thrice
These sex mad ntro employees are misusing the wifi network to intentionally move the cursor around remotely in a clear case of corporate espionage, and take advantage of the fact that there is no undo button on most websites