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NTRO employees misusing million dollar wifi network equipment to hack laptops of private citizens, get money and sex bribes

NTRO employees having regular SEX with goan bhandari PROSTITUTE RAW employee sunaina chodan hack engineers computer in panaji, goa so that they can make fake claims

The slim google, tata sponsored goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan does not even want to spend any money on a laptop, she relies on the powerful fraud ntro employees who have regular sex with her to hack the laptop of a single woman engineer, domain investor and then shamelessly, falsely claim that their SEX service provider is doing the computer work, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer
This hacking for SEX by the NTRO employees using the wifi network, million dollar NTRO equipment has made the Micromax laptop very slow in panaji, goa
income tax returns filed in 2019 will again LEGALLY PROVE that goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan has no paypal income at all, since she is not doing any computer work, yet the indian and goan government continue to make fake claims, to give the sex service provider great powers, monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Instead of wasting time and resources in this fraud of making fake claims about computer work, ntro should prevent banking and other fraud

when goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan is only offering sex services, why is the indian and goan government falsely claiming that she owns the laptop, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the engineer