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Due to rampant nepotism in India, government wastes the best engineering talent in the country since they do not get any paid work in india

Nepotism levels in india are the highest in the world with the indian government wasting crores of rupees in taxpayer money paying salaries to the lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of LIAR ntro/raw/cbi employees with fake resumes, fake bank account, faking domain ownership in a major corruption scandal which the mainstream media does not cover.

Additionally LIAR security agency employees, especially in panaji, goa are falsely labelling harmless hardworking citizens, especially engineers with a good JEE rank from poorer communities a security threat without any legally valid proof to steal their correspondence, resume, savings, get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives, friends raw/cbi jobs with fake resume, fake skills and faking computer work.

For more information about the rampant nepotism in the indian internet sector since 2010 with top companies running a sophisticated BRIBERY RACKET check the nepotism website, where a domain investor losing Rs 15 lakh annually due to nepotism, government slavery has shared her story. Other citizens, especially in india who are also suffering losses, are CHEATED, EXPLOITED due to nepotism, can share their story and get paid.

Allegedly BRIBED by google, tata, the indian government refuse to end the nepotism in the indian internet sector, instead those complaining are falsely labelled a security threat, denied their fundamental rights.

Samsung mobile hotspot connection blocked again in panaji, goa

After the samsung wifi connection was working properly for a few days, on 12 august 2021 it is blocked again
Again the wifi network connections are showing Frisco54 wifi network, indicating that the wifi dongle is working properly
On the samsung smartphone also the internet connection is working, websites can be accessed
However on the desktop, the samsung wifi is not visible indicating that some registry settings are changed, so the samsung mobile hotspot is not visible on the windows computer

Mobile hotspot again disappears from Windows desktop due to CYBERCRIME in panaji, goa

Indicating the widespread CYBERCRIME in india on small business owners, paypal account holders, the mobile hotspot has again disappeared from the desktop of the domain investor, a private citizen on 7 August 2021
The mobile hotspot was visible till 5 pm on 7 August
Then when the domain investor tried using the mobile hotspot at around 8.30 pm she is not getting any wifi connection at all
The wifi dongle is inserted in all the USB ports, yet no wifi network is detected at all.
Some hacker has changed the registry settings for a private citizen, to waste her time , she will again waste her time testing the dongle on other computers

NTRO modify mobile hotspot settings so that Samsung hotspot is not visible on the Lenovo computer in CYBERCRIME on private citizen

After the USB dongles were blocked on the lenovo laptop, the domain investor purchased a samsung smartphone to create a mobile hotspot
Indicating the high levels of CYBERCRIME the domain investor faces in panaji, goa, now the Samsung hotspot is not visible on the lenovo desktop
The samsung hotspot is visible on the lenovo laptop purchased for testing, clearly indicating that ntro has disabled the mobile hotspot of the Lenovo desktop of the domain investor, private citizen, changing registry setting for exposing their online, financial fraud, government slavery since 2010
Other Wifi networks like Frisco, Maria are visible in the wifi networks, only the samsung mobile hotspot is not visible on the lenovo desktop, confirming the high levels of cybercrime in panaji,goa. The frisco network is visible always, and the maria network is visible only in the morning,.

Refusal of government to correct data, end government slavery in indian internet sector forces domain investor to protest loudly

Refusal of government to correct data, end government slavery in indian internet sector forces domain investor to waste time and money protesting

In india, the government will acknowledge the work done by maidservants, dish washers, housewives cooking for their families spending their time, though it is not a very skilled work and the work is done at home.

Yet in a clear case of government slavery in the indian internet sector, the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka,haryana, madhya pradesh, maharashtra are refusing to acknowledge the time spent by a single woman domain investor, doing computer work, money on domain renewals instead stealing her data to falsely give greedy gujju stock trader amita patel ( featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line),goan bhandari sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, credit , monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman

To cover up the government slavery, FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations, the government agencies are criminally defaming the single woman domain investor since 2010,denying her a life of dignity though she alone is spending her time doing the computer work.

Google, indian tech and internet companies openly involved in a massive data theft racket since 2010, to get raw/cbi jobs for their associates

To destroy competition in India, google is allegedly involved in a massive data theft racket, supporting high status frauds in their cybercrime of stealing the data of the google competitor, and then falsely claiming to own the domains, bank account of the google competitor, to get raw/cbi jobs for the high status frauds since 2010 without investing money in domains, without doing any computer work.

R&AW/cbi employee Haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, tata power employee guruprasad’s wife nayanshree, indore robber deepika, sindhi scammer naina chand, goa robbers riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, amita patel are some of the many google, tata sponsored frauds getting a monthly government salary for stealing data and making fake claims

For more information on the biggest online data theft racket targetting older single women domain investors working at home, please check data theft in India , how top ntro, raw, cbi employees are involved in a vyapam type online fraud.

Indian tech and internet companies targetting hardworking older single women domain investors for FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations since 2010

In one of the greatest FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations, Indian tech and internet companies targetting hardworking older single women domain investors from poorer communities for FINANCIAL, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations since 2010 to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB them for the rest of their life.
First these companies are criminally defaming the single woman in the worst manner, then making up fake stories of the relationship between the single woman and powerful ntro/raw employees who HATE her, have never contacted her anytime
Then these companies with the help of the ntro, raw employees are involved in a skills fraud, falsely claiming that sindhi scammer school dropouts, call girls, cheater, robber housewives and other frauds with no written english, computer skills, have her skills to commit BANKING FRAUD on the single woman, making fake claims about her bank account.
These companies and government agencies are also involved in credit card fraud on the single woman engineer, making fake claims about the credit cards, to get high status frauds, raw/cbi salaries at her expense
Showing complete lack of corporate ethics, honesty and humanity, the tech and internet companies refuse to end the fraud even after 11 years of CHEATING, EXPLOITING the single woman

Greedy government employees targetting hardworking single woman professionals for relationship fraud to rob everything from them

In a new form of corruption, which the indian, state government, mainstream media refuses to cover Greedy government employees, especially in ntro/raw/cbi targetting hardworking older single woman professionals for relationship fraud to rob everything from them
The ntro/raw/cbi employees actually HATE the single woman, yet they are falsely claiming to help her to steal
– her impressive resume, to get their real girlfriends raw/cbi jobs
– retirement savings
– correspondence to isolate her completely
The single woman professional like the goa 1989 jee topper can legally prove that the ntro/raw/cbi employees have not contacted her at all, yet the government refuses to end the robbery of the single woman since 2010 and misuse of her name . More details at relationship fraud, corruption to find the shocking story of how ruthless liar powerful government employees are CHEATING, EXPLOITING single women to rob everything and destroy their life

Computer cursor starts moving randomly after room fan is switched on

Indicating rampant abuse of power, to harass private citizens, NTRO is using the latest technology to detect the status of the fan in a particular room in which a private citizen is living, and then hacking their computers
Since 10 February 2021, NTRO has been hacking the computer of the domain investor, making the cursor move randomly, so that the computer cannot be used with its normal settings.
After some research, the domain investor found that NTRO is monitoring the fan in the room, and when the fan is switched on, the cursor starts moving randomly.

NTRO/raw/cbi using Zigbee/z-wave network to hack into domain investors house since 2010

Due to the financial fraud, labor law violations, trade secret robbery of 15 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees like asmita patel,goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer housewife naina chandan, all these frauds who do not spend any money get monthly raw/cbi salaries for faking domain ownership, computer work, while the real domain investor is making a loss
So to pay for daily expenses, the domain investor is writing articles for clients in singapore, USa, australia, canada, UK, since she is not allowed to get any paid work in India
Since corruption levels are extremely high, and government devoid of honesty, humanity, the domain investor has realized that complaining is a waste of time. Writing for clients is a good way to find out the latest trends, since the domain investor is also not allowed to interact with educated people in goa, since the intelligence, and security agencies are criminally defaming her
One of the interesting articles was on the Zigbee/z-wave wireless network protocol used extensively in home automation, since NTRO/raw/cbi are using Zigbee/z-wave network to hack into domain investors house since 2010, steal data and monitor all activity, wasting a huge amount of taxpayer money.