Though bengaluru Google,tata sponsored Shivalli brahmin fraud R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar(like goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, naina) has poor english skills, is not doing any work online fraud companies google, tata have got her a monthly raw salary at the expense of the google competitor because her section 420 fraud relatives in NTRO hathwar, kodancha have agreed to hack the laptop of the google competitor with the expensive ntro equipment wasting her time causing losses, helping google .
The google competitor is using a Lenovo keyboard with a Micromax laptop, however it is generating junk characters due to NTRO hacking, So she is forced to use other options which make it difficult to type, cause spelling mistakes
Earlier they had hacked the keyboard, and c, d, f were not working, now external keyboard is not working
This indicates abuse of power, corruption of ntro employees. Any help to end the hacking will be appreciated