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Powerful ntro employees only want beautiful trophy girlfriends, yet are allowed to steal the identity of women engineers by the indian government

In a clear indication that the status of educated women in India has greatly worsened in the last few decades, powerful ntro employees who only want beautiful trophy girlfriends and wives are allowed by the indian and goan government to steal the identity of hardworking women professionals, engineers, to get their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

These powerful ntro employees want an extremely good looking glamorous wife /girlfriend who everyone will stare at when she enters the room, however they fail to realize that most very good looking women are not interested in working very hard to get an engineering degree from a top college, or working as an engineer, they would rather marry a rich and powerful man who will pamper them. So with the help of fraud companies, like google, tata, the ntro employees have devised an elaborate fraud to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money, without taking any risk at all.

These fraud ntro employees are putting online home business owner under surveillance, falsely claiming that she has to repay a loan. Then these ntro officials are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends, who do not spend any time and money online, own the business to get them a monthly indian government salary without doing any kind of work, while the domain investor is so broke because of the fraud that she cannot even afford to purchase a quality wall clock costing more than Rs 150. There are many government employees who are liars and frauds, so why is the indian and goan government blindly repeating the complete lies of fraud ntro employees since 2010, without checking for proof.

The ntro employees are wasting crores of indian tax payer money, to ensure that the identity theft victim does not get any leads, orders, payment, enquiries, all her marketing efforts are wasted because her correspondence like emails, smses, phone calls, postal mail are diverted and stolen by the fraud raw/cbi employees impersonating her. the domain investor was also terrorized into purchasing ulips blocking her money. Other than developing her domains, which is very risky, she has no other paying work. Income tax returns, bank details will prove that the NTRO,raw, cbi employees are involved in a banking, online, financial fraud since 2010, however the indian government and mainstream media refuses to cover the fraud

Working online is a waste of time due to ageism, identity theft, financial fraud

Increasingly the internet sector will find it difficult to attract talent, because of widespread ageism, identity theft and financial fraud especially in India, Bribed by google, tata, NTRO, indian and goan government is openly involved in a major banking, financial fraud since 2010, falsely claiming google, tata sponsored goan call girls, school dropouts, cheater housewives, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online, are online experts, domain investor, owning the bank, paypal account of a google competitor, engineer and domain investor.

Google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are extremely vicious in defaming the domain investor, refusing to acknowledge her experience and investment, falsely claiming that the sex worker, fraud raw/cbi employees, their children, who are not spending any time and money online, are domain investors , online experts
So this major online fraud should be considered by while job finding online, the fact that top ntro, indian internet sector officials like j srinivasan, puneet, parmar are shameless frauds and liars who have no qualms duping people with their lies that their favorite sex workers like sunaina chodan, only offering sex services are online experts, when these ntro employees are aware that sunaina has no online experience, she is only a sex expert

In almost all other sectors like engineering, medicine, law, the experience of a person will be considered, however google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, indian and goan government refuse to acknowledge the experience of those actually working online and continue with their fraud of falsely claiming that sex workers, cheater housewives and other well connected frauds are online experts though the government, google, tata, cannot provide any legally valid proof like bank details that their favorite sex workers and frauds are doing work online, though google,tata have got these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

NTRO employees misusing wifi network to commit banking fraud

Since 2010, bribed by google,tata , the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees are misusing their wifi network to commit a major banking fraud which will make nirav modi, vijay mallya and other fraudsters look like saints
These animal like cheater liar ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, parmar, j srinivasan are putting a harmless google competitor under surveillance and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan prostitute, school dropout and other fraud girlfriends, relatives who do no work online, are doing the work, to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the google competitor who is actually spending her time and money online
The shameless ntro employees who are india’s top cybercriminals are involved in a major banking fraud falsely claiming that their lazy greedy prostitute, school dropout and other fraud cbi/raw employees girlfriends and relatives, who have never done any work online, never invested any money online, own the bank , paypal account of a private citizen, google competitor and engineer

20 permanent do follow PBN links on 20 different high Majestic trust flow domains

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Lenovo keyboard hacked using ntro wifi network

Though bengaluru Google,tata sponsored Shivalli brahmin fraud R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar(like goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, naina) has poor english skills, is not doing any work online fraud companies google, tata have got her a monthly raw salary at the expense of the google competitor because her section 420 fraud relatives in NTRO hathwar, kodancha have agreed to hack the laptop of the google competitor with the expensive ntro equipment wasting her time causing losses, helping google .
The google competitor is using a Lenovo keyboard with a Micromax laptop, however it is generating junk characters due to NTRO hacking, So she is forced to use other options which make it difficult to type, cause spelling mistakes
Earlier they had hacked the keyboard, and c, d, f were not working, now external keyboard is not working
This indicates abuse of power, corruption of ntro employees. Any help to end the hacking will be appreciated

NTRO sex, bribery racket, hacking, cheap internet make having a shared office extremely risky

In goa, 91springboard is offering a free coworking week, however the widespread NTRO sex, bribery racket, hacking, cheap internet make having a shared office extremely risky . In 2013, internet expenses were fairly high, so a shared office offering free wifi, was attractive for some indian paypal account holders.
In 2018, internet access is very inexpensive, however making money online has become extremely difficult, so indian paypal account holders are lacking both time and money.
So they are unlikely to opt for a shared office only for free wifi, they would rather save some time and money, as the money they make is limited in goa

NTRO sex, bribery racket, hacking, cheap internet make having a shared office extremely risky

In goa, 91springboard is offering a free coworking week, however the widespread NTRO sex, bribery racket, hacking, cheap internet make having a shared office extremely risky . In 2013, internet expenses were fairly high, so a shared office offering free wifi, was attractive for some indian paypal account holders.
In 2018, internet access is very inexpensive, however making money online has become extremely difficult, so indian paypal account holders are lacking both time and money.
So they are unlikely to opt for a shared office only for free wifi, they would rather save some time and money, as the money they make is limited in goa

NTRO/R&AWs best hackers are active in the evening for wifi hacking

The google competitor will reduce her internet usage in the evening to the extent possible, because she is aware that NTRO, R&AW’s best hackers are active in the evening for hacking her laptop using the hidden wifi network. Ideally the laptop and internet connection usage should be minimized to the extent possible, as these hackers will use the opportunity to cause further damage to the laptop

For example on February 5, 2018, the micromax laptop has been hacked so extensively, intercepting data packets, that it is taking a very long time to open any page in the browser, wasting the time of the google competitor. There are other days, when the external keyboard is also being hacked, and some junk characters are being displayed.

So it is better to use the same time for doing offline work, like data entry, typing and developing websites, instead of battling an enemy who is far more powerful,who cannot be identified or held accountable.

Bank details, income tax returns will expose ntro wifi hacking and online fraud

Just because it is possible for ntro employees to monitor the laptop of any indian citizen using the hidden wifi network, the ntro employees especially in goa are shamelessly abusing their powers and falsely claiming that their sex partners, relatives, friends and other bribe giving frauds are doing work online, investing money online after putting a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor under surveillance, after making fake allegations without any legally valid proof.
This clearly indicates the extreme incompetence, inefficiency, poor systems and lack of professional ethics, morals of ntro and the ntro employees, that they have no qualms at all, shameless lying and making fake claims because they are getting sex, money, job bribes
Bank details, income tax returns, will clearly prove that the BRIBE TAKING ntro employees are shameless liars and frauds with no morals, humanity, involved in a major financial fraud since 2010.