Just because it is possible for ntro employees to monitor the laptop of any indian citizen using the hidden wifi network, the ntro employees especially in goa are shamelessly abusing their powers and falsely claiming that their sex partners, relatives, friends and other bribe giving frauds are doing work online, investing money online after putting a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor under surveillance, after making fake allegations without any legally valid proof.
This clearly indicates the extreme incompetence, inefficiency, poor systems and lack of professional ethics, morals of ntro and the ntro employees, that they have no qualms at all, shameless lying and making fake claims because they are getting sex, money, job bribes
Bank details, income tax returns, will clearly prove that the BRIBE TAKING ntro employees are shameless liars and frauds with no morals, humanity, involved in a major financial fraud since 2010.
Author: admin
Goa call girls website accessed using wifi network
Many restaurants and hotels in goa are offering free wifi to their customers as a complimentary service, and the wifi network can be used to access the call girl website , fix an appointment. The advantage of using the wifi network for accessing the call girl website is that it offers anonymity while accessing the website, as there is no record of those visiting the restaurant . For some people, the internet records are stored and closely monitored , which can be used for blackmail.
Goa is famous for sex tourism , and young women providing sex services to government employees allegedly hold senior intelligence positions in Goa with fake resumes, have great powers . In most places in India, the local community will take action against those providing sex services, however tourists visiting goa can enjoy the services of goa call girls without facing any kind of harassment or censure. The phone number of call girls are sometimes listed in public places, however most men looking for call girls can contact the many websites online providing call girl services.
Directly promoting a website online
Google is repeatedly indexing and deindexing websites, especially those of a competitor, so small business owners should find more reliable and cheaper methods to get visitors to their website, which can be converted into leads and orders. They should also be familiar with domains and webhosting. Get more details of website promotion, using websites for business, at Using Domains, Webhosting for tips and information
Free help for netbanking, online fraud victims in India
The government wants indian citizens to transact digitally, however netbanking and online fraud has increased greatly in India, because the NTRO employees are some of the greatest online fraudsters, notorious worldwide for their domain, financial fraud on harmless indian women. For free help and analysis of online, netbanking fraud in india, check Help for Netbanking fraud , for analysis and advice. Many of the netbanking , online fraud victims do not recover their hard earned money which is stolen by well connected wealthy hackers and have to face a lot of mental stress.
Security agencies continue to pamper PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees, stealing savings of older women to enjoy free SEX
In one of the greatest indian SEX, identity theft rackets allegedly masterminded by cunning fraud google, tata employees since 2010, top indian security, intelligence, cbi, ntro employees are stealing the hard earned money of harmless older women engineers, domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason to enjoy FREE sex with google,tata supplied PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who are then getting a monthly R&AW salary for their SEX services, falsely claim that the PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees have the resume, investment of the google competitor, domain investor
Though financial records will prove that lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi have almost no savings of their own, indian government falsely claims that they are investors, owning the investment of the google competitor, engineer, for the sex services they provide to security agency employees in India, to pay them a monthly R&AW salary
Read more about Indian security agencies, sex services, sex workers sunaina, siddhi employed by R&AW in the never ending sex trade racket masterminded by google, tata since 2010
Inefficiency, corruption and nepotism adversely affecting the indian internet sector
In most other sectors like engineering, a person who does no work at all, and does not invest any money, like the 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees will not be valued, However due to the extremely high levels of corruption , nepotism, sexual exploitation of women, at least 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced fraud sex workers, cheater housewives and other liars are getting top R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment, fake work online. These women who should not have got anything at all, are getting a lot of money and powers while those investing their time and money in the indian internet sector are getting nothing, and are mercilessly exploited and cheated by NTRO, CBI, R&AW employees
No wonder, no indian citizen has the money to purchase chinese premium domain names , as all the money they spend, work they do goes to ensure that the lazy greedy mediocre sex partners, relatives and friends of top ntro, cbi, raw employees get a monthly government salary without doing anything at all except recreational sex and cheating.Before this google,tata masterminded identity theft fraud started in 2010, indian paypal account holders were making plenty of money, now they are selling to chinese and others as indian paypal account holders are tired of being treated as slaves by ntro, cbi, raw employees, who lack honesty, humanity, personal and professional integrity
Corrupt Indian government employees have no right to determine domain ownership
Top indian government, google, tata employees want their good looking relatives and friends to own expensive domain names, however these women are least interested in spending the time and money on domain names, they only want to shamelessly defame, exploit a harmless domain investor and then falsely claim to own the domain names of a private citizen.
These government, google, tata employees are getting a very good salary and pension, and they do not have the grace, humanity and honesty to let the domain investor who is spending her hard earned money, time on the domain names to get the associated privileges of being a domain investor , they greedily and falsely want their relatives and friends to get credit and a monthly government salary, while the domain investor does all the work, spends all the money
For male indian domain investors, the person who pays money is considered the domain investor, for women, those who offer SEX bribes like goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, or are related to top officials are falsely claiming to be domain investors.
shivalli brahmins misuse wifi network to get R&AW job for their mediocre cheater relative nayanshree
shivalli brahmin NTRO, CBI employees misuse wifi network to get R&AW job for their mediocre relative nayanshree at the expenses of the google competitor. The bengaluru BRAHMIN fraud R&AW employee nayanshree is only looking after her home and family , yet NTRO is falsely claiming that she owns the paypal account of a gogle competitor, to pay the brahmin fraud housewife , a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor. The wifi network is used by the shameless fraud shivalli brahmins to monitor the google competitor and then they falsely claim that their relative nayanshree, a lazy fraud is doing all the work to get her a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor.
The money trail will expose the fact that shivalli brahmin R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar does no work online , is getting a monthly R&AW salary as GIFT from google, tata
Wifi network misused by NTRO employees to enjoy free sex, get government jobs for their relatives, friends
NTRO employees are extensively misusing the expensive wifi network to enjoy free sex with goan sex workers supplied by google, tata and get government jobs for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives, friends . In a SEX, cheating racket allegedly masterminded by google, tata NTRO employees led by j srinivasan are putting a google competitor, domain investor under surveillance, and falsely claiming that the goan SEX workers supplied by google, tata to them like slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, lazy goan sluts and other frauds like nayanshree hathwar are doing all the work online, to get the goan sex workers, frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with great powers and a monthly indian government salary
Financial records will easily prove that goan sex workers and other fraud indian intelligence employees are not doing any work online at all and are not investing any money online, however due to the extremely high levels of corruption, nepotism in R&AW, CBI, NTRO, the google, tata masterminded online financial fraud has continued for more than 7 years, since 2010
Online trading
Most domains are only purchased for online trading and rentals, yet dishonest security and intelligence employees are falsely claiming that the domain investor is a security threat, to deny the domain investor her fundamental rights to privacy and to earn a fair living