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Google cancelling wifi services worldwide after its great goan SEX, BRIBERY RACKET is exposed

Though ntro employees are using expensive million dollar equipment, they have the morals, mindset of teenagers who will anything for FREE SEX, money, disregarding the law, fundamental rights of citizens completely .
The liar fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet, parmar have no qualms hacking the laptop of a private citizen and falsely claiming that their SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, SUGAR BABY who does not have any computer, is doing the work, to get them monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the person who is spending 8-10 hours daily,
Not once in the last ten years, did google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi think of the right to equality of the domain investor, why she alone should spend money on computers, internet connection, domains, 8-10 hours daily, and keep quiet when ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata made fake claims about SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, housewives, cooking, housekeeping, and other fraud raw/cbi employees enjoying themselves
In 2019, the FAKE RELATIONSHIP FRAUD of the ntro employees was finally exposed, and now the domain investor is asking why she is not treated like other male domain investors in India, who do not find that the state and indian government are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING them, falsely claiming that school dropouts, housewives , robbers and other frauds, who hate her, and do not spend any money on domains, own her domains.
Google has realized that ntro is shamelessly misusing the wifi network to make fake claims about school dropouts, housewives and other frauds, and it could be held partly responsible for the sex, bribery racket

Imposter Sunil Singh was inspired by the 10 R&AW/cbi employees faking btech 1993 ee degree, domain investor who was criminally defamed

The goa media carried the news of the imposter Sunil Singh who impersonated the U.P Co-op minister Verma and enjoyed state hospitality in goa for more than one week. However the goan media refuses to carry any news of a far greater impersonation fraud, how 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girl like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, robber, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE are getting monthly raw/cbi salaries only for impersonating the goa 1989 jee topper for the last 8-10 years.
To ensure that the impersonation fraud was not exposed, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies have criminally defamed the goa 1989 jee topper, who is also a domain investor in the worst possible manner, making up 100% FAKE STORIES without any legally valid proof. This proves that criminal defamation of hardworking honest citizens is a very lucrative racket for intelligence and security agencies since all their relatives, sugar babies and associates are getting monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any computer work, without investing any money online at the expense of the harmless hardworking person who is criminally defamed.

Fake black money, tax evasion allegations used to cover up massive SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector

One of the biggest online frauds is how fake black money, tax evasion allegations used to cover up massive SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector on a single woman domain investor for more than ten years since 2010. The sociopath liar ntro employees falsely claim that they are very patriotic and honest, yet they cannot find any proof to even send an income tax notice to the domain investor, who they criminally defamed as having black money after ten years.
More details of how ntro employees are making fake tax evasion allegations to cover up the SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector at Taxes and Money since 2010

to cover up their ICANN FRAUD, CYBERCRIMINAL ntro employees hack laptop of domain investor again using WIFI NETWORK

To cover up their SEX,BRIBERY RACKET, ICANN FRAUD, ntro hack laptop of engineer, change text which has been typed
BRIBED by the sundar pichai led google, tata NTRO, indian and state governments are involved in a SEX,BRIBERY RACKET, ICANN FRAUD, hacking the laptop of a domain investor and duping ICANN, domain registries and registrars for the last 10 years, that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen
For 10 year, NTRO, indian and state governments are involved in a SEX,BRIBERY RACKET, ICANN FRAUD hacking the laptop of a domain investor, and changing the text to cause penalty and get her account disabled or penalized
On 22 November 2019,the domain investor had rewritten the text,yet the section 420 fraud BRIBE TAKING SEX ADDICT ntro employees have again pasted the original text to cause errors and get the account penalized

Hidden wifi network used for hacking micromax laptop by ntro employees PAMPERING PROSTITUTE, CHEATER raw/cbi employees

To avoid paying sex, money bribes to fraud government employees from their million dollar profits, google, tata are hacking the micromax laptop of a hardworking single woman engineer,a private citizen, without a legally valid reason, and then falsely claiming that various raw/cbi employees especially goan call girls goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro who do not spend any time and money doing computer work, are writing to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.
For the last few days, when any text file is opened, it is having a prefix of *, due to hacking. How to detect the hacker who is changing the file name and then falsely claiming that their associate who is not spending any time, is doing the work while criminally defaming the engineer
Please note that wifi is disabled on the micromax laptop , yet the file name is being changed
It appears that hidden wifi network is used to hack the laptop and make fake claims about lazy greedy LIAR raw/cbi employees, monitor all the content, so that they can falsely claim credit when they are actually cooking food at home. India is the only country which is involved in these work at home, online frauds

when raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, are not spending any time, why is government falsely giving them credit, salaries

NTRO using hidden wifi network to commit writing skills fraud on domain investor

NTRO has million dollar wifi network equipment purchased with taxpayer money, and it is being used to commit a writing skills fraud on harmless private citizens, whose laptops are hacked, to create a replica copy

The appearance, age and weight of a person is not an indication of the english writing skills of a person. People in their forties and fifties often have much better english writing skills, compared to younger people, who do not spend their time reading

yet bribed by google, tata who wish to avoid paying CALL GIRLS for their SEX services, and BRIBES to top government officials from their million dollar profits, indian security agencies, ntro, raw, cbi are openly involved in a massive english writing skills fraud to get BRIBES, enjoy free sex with google, tata supplied call girls, and jobs, monthly salary for their relative, without doing any computer work.

google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are HACKING all the laptop of a domain investor, single woman engineer, to create a replica using the hidden wifi network. they are then falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied call girl R&AW employees goan bhandari slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, relatives of top officials like riddhi nayak caro,nayanshree hathwar, other bribe givers like gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, gujju ca’s bespectacled fairskinned short daughter , asmita patel, veena, deepika, ruchika kinge and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do no computer work at all.

Surveillance will also indicate that the housewives are looking after their home, and family, call girls, ca’s daughter and other young gujju fraudsters are not doing computer work
The indian government is wasting Rs 4 crore annually to ensure that the domain investor does not get any paid work in India though she is an experienced engineer and to CRIMINALLY DEFAME her further, they are HACKING her laptop , and falsely claiming that various housewives, school dropouts, cheaters, robbers, call girls, young gujju fraudsters
Bank details, income tax returns will expose the english writing skills fraud of the security agencies, ntro, raw, cbi since all the raw/cbi employees, young gujju fraudsters being promoted by ntro, raw, cbi do not show any paypal income for the last 6 years, they only rely on LIAR NTRO, cbi, raw, google, tata employees to HACK the laptop of a private citizen and then make FAKE CLAIMS of computer work, while criminally defaming the real writer to ruin her reputation, socially and professionally

NTRO employees misusing million dollar wifi network equipment to hack laptops of private citizens, get money and sex bribes

NTRO employees having regular SEX with goan bhandari PROSTITUTE RAW employee sunaina chodan hack engineers computer in panaji, goa so that they can make fake claims

The slim google, tata sponsored goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan does not even want to spend any money on a laptop, she relies on the powerful fraud ntro employees who have regular sex with her to hack the laptop of a single woman engineer, domain investor and then shamelessly, falsely claim that their SEX service provider is doing the computer work, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman engineer
This hacking for SEX by the NTRO employees using the wifi network, million dollar NTRO equipment has made the Micromax laptop very slow in panaji, goa
income tax returns filed in 2019 will again LEGALLY PROVE that goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan has no paypal income at all, since she is not doing any computer work, yet the indian and goan government continue to make fake claims, to give the sex service provider great powers, monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Instead of wasting time and resources in this fraud of making fake claims about computer work, ntro should prevent banking and other fraud

when goan bhandari RAW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan is only offering sex services, why is the indian and goan government falsely claiming that she owns the laptop, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the engineer

Can Naivedya Amarnani explain why gujju officials are circulating photoshopped videos of the 1989 JEE topper in goa to get gujju school dropout naina chandan a CBI salary

The goan media has covered the news of the 2019 JEE toppers in goa, yet it refuses to carry the news of goa government’s great JEE fraud of falsely claiming that various google, tata sponsored frauds like naina chandan, the panaji school dropout gujju housewife , riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, indore robber veena, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika king, asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE yet are faking a btech 1993 ee degree since 2010, to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman engineer who actually had a better 1989 JEE rank than any of JEE toppers in goa in 2019

The goan mainstream media like navhind times, herald, times of india carried the news of how Naivedya Amarnani was the JEE topper with a AIR of 491, yet it failed to carry the news of how the 1989 JEE topper in goa with a better JEE rank than Naivedya Amarnani is subjected to identity theft in goa with the goan and indian government falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewife riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar,school dropouts like gujju housewife naina chandan, indore robbers veena, deepika asmita patel, ruchika and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE have her resume, savings to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.

The 1989 JEE topper in goa, a harmless single woman engineer, with a better JEE rank than Naivedya Amarnani is subjected to identity theft in goa, denied the income and opportunities she deserved, because top gujju and other officials are circulating photoshopped videos of the engineer to defame her and are also making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof to criminally defame her for 9 years since 2010

Then these fraud officials are using the photoshopped videos of the engineer to justify the identity theft for the kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at the age of 16, and mother of two sons, so that the gujju school dropout gets a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the 1989 jee topper in goa, who is broke.

Can Naivedya Amarnani, 2019 JEE topper in goa, explain why lazy greedy gujju women like school dropout cbi employee naina chandan do not answer JEE and get a btech degree legally, why the gujju role model school dropout naina chandan relies on her fraud husband, lovers and sugar daddies like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha to make and circulate photoshopped videos, photos of the 1989 JEE topper in goa to steal her identity and get the gujju school dropout a cbi job with salary at the expense of the engineer, who is broke in goa

Thane R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel gets salary for another month for FAKING DOMAIN OWNERSHIP

The multiple cases of TRADE SECRET THEFT against TCS in the United States along with the $420 million fine on TCS in the Epic systems case, highlights the endless frauds and lies in the indian internet and tech sector
Allegedly bribed by google, tata, NTRO employees led by the mhow monster puneet are openly involved in a very brazen fraud of falsely claiming to know a domain investor, who they hate, putting her under surveillance, and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, who do not spend any money on domains , own the domains, to get them all raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke because of the indian government financial fraud on her
India is the only country in the world, where the government falsely claims that call girls, cheaters, robbers, school dropouts and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who have not spent any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, while denying the real domain investor her fundamental rights.

In addition to the google sponsored goan call girl R&AW employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan,veena, NTRO is duping people, companies and countries that the Thane R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel with straightened hair, and great flirting skills, who does not spend any money at all on domains, owns this and other domains to pay her a monthly raw salary.

Thane fraudster asmita patel has plenty of money to spend on stocks, investing Rs 20 lakh or more annually, yet she refuses to spend any money on domains purchase them legally. Indian citizens are extremely unlucky that they have to waste their time, energy and money fighting the endless frauds of the indian intelligence and security agencies , especially R&AW/cbi/ntro whose employees are LIARS making fake claims about domain ownership for the last 9 years.

India officially claims that all citizens are equal, so can cbi/R&AW explain why their employees like naina chandan, riddhi caro nayak, asmita patel, veena, sunaina chodan, siddhi, nayanshree hathwar are not legally purchasing the domain names,paying the market price and annual expenses
Why is the indian and state governments criminally defaming the domain investor for more than 9 years, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen

The indian and state governments, NTRO, raw, cbi fail to realize that it is not easy to make money for paying the domain registrar the domain renewal fees, the real domain investor has tried to make money for PAYING DOMAIN RENEWAL FEES doing low end work like data entry, selling plants , her time share rooms in a hotel, the section 420 fraud RAW/CBI employees have not even send any proposal for purchase for 9 years, they are not interested in any kind of tech deal

So it is time that the indian government ends it financial, DOMAIN FRAUD of 9 years and stops falsely claiming that the 10 or more google sponsored R&AW/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree and domain ownership are getting a monthly government only because they are SUGAR BABIES or offering massive bribes to the most powerful officials like indore robber veena

Anyone who can help end this domain ownership fraud of asmita patel and other R&AW/cbi employees, please contact

Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees have continued with their internet connection fraud for 9 years

While applying for an internet connection, the ISP will ask for identity proof.
In a clear indication of the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, the Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees are involved in massive internet connection fraud, falsely claiming to own the internet connection of a private citizen when they have not applied for it and are not paying any expenses at all
It is an indication of the complete lack of integrity of the powerful fraud ntro employees led by the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, vijay, that they are shamelessly and falsely claiming that the lazy greedy Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees , who do not pay any money own the internet connection of a harmless private citizen to pay the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor who has purchased the connection legally.
In some cases the internet connection is used for torture, India claims that all citizens are equal, so why are raw/cbi employees not purchasing and paying for the internet connection, why are they falsely claiming to own the connection of a private citizen for 9 years,

The GREEDY LIAR MEMORY ROBBER ntro employees falsely claim that the only difference between their lazy greedy girlfriends with ROBBED MEMORY like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, is the physics skills, it is gambling when actually the real difference is that their girlfriends in R&AW/cbi are SHAMELESS GREEDY MISERLY LIARS ROBBERS AND FRAUDS who are not willing to even pay for and get their own internet connection legally, they rely on ROBBER LIAR NTRO employees to make fake claims. Not having an office is not a valid excuse for memory robbery.