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Wifi networks used extensively for data theft, trade secret robbery

Indian paypal account holders should be aware that Wifi networks used extensively for data theft, trade secret robbery with greedy government employees using the stolen data to make fake claims about their relatives, bribe givers, to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real paypal account holder
Some of the largest tech, internet companies are also involved in the data theft fraud, labor law violations, skills fraud.
This racket has continued for ten years without being questioned.

Many websites are like magazines, only fraud levels in the indian internet sector are higher

CYBERCRIMINAL Fraud raw/cbi employees do not falsely claim to own magazines, they only falsely claim to own websites of a single woman domain investor. Like magazines a lot of time is spent writing content for websites, money is spent on managing the websites.

Yet in a clear case of government fraud, CYBERCRIMINAL Fraud raw/cbi employees do not falsely claim to own magazines, they only falsely claim to own websites of private citizens, who are CRIMINALLY DEFAMED in the worst manner, so that these fraud raw/cbi employees get monthly government salaries only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS

These CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR raw/cbi employees do not spend any time and money managing the websites, writing content, yet the top tech and internet companies like google, tata are supporting them in their FINANCIAL, online fraud for the last ten years.,

Indian internet sector continues with its ICANN, FINANCIAL FRAUD making fake claims about panaji gujju school dropout naina chandan, ROBBER riddhi, and other lazy fraud raw/cbi employees

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw employees HATE

Companies outside india, do not have excess money to donate to indian citizens, they are paying them only for computer work done,online advertising or domain sales. For all this computer work, the citizen has to spend money on computer hardware, keyboards, yet in a massive FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD, violating all labor laws, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian internet sector refuses to acknowledge the work done by hardworking single older women, instead falsely giving credit to various sex service providers, cheater, robber housewives and assorted frauds. More details at keyboards, work, skills and money online , on the greatest online frauds in India since 2010

In particular the FRAUD LIAR indian internet sector continues with its FINANCIAL, ICANN FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji gujju school dropout sex quen naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, slim mallika sherawat look alike goan bhandari sunaina chodan, robber housewife riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, gujju stock broker asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar and other FRAUD RAW/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, to get all these FRAUDS monthly raw salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

The indian internet sector is aware that the security and intelligence agencies especially in goa are PATHOLOGICAL BRIBE TAKING LIARS making fake claims about their relatives like robber riddhi and other BRIBE GIVING FRAUDS like naina chandan, yet the indian internet sector repeats the LIES of these SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD liars to reward SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS and other FRAUDS

NTRO hacking USB modems of private citizens so that they can make fake claims about goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, and othe lazy greedy young fraud raw/cbi employees

In a major online SEX RACKET,FINANCIAL FRAUD ntro is hacking the USB modems, computers of hardworking private citizens, so that they can make fake claims about the various call girls like slim goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan supplied to ntro/raw employees for sex and other fraud raw/cbi employees so that ntro/raw employees can falsely claim that the SEX service provider, who do not spend any money on domains are online experts, domain investors owning the domains where the sex racket, financial fraud is posted
To cover up their fraud of making fake claims about young sex service providers and other young frauds, the ntro employees are making defamatory manipulated videos of the real domain investor, so that they can make fake allegations and commit atrocities on the real domain investor
The indian and goan government is only criminally defaming the real domain investor, it refuses to admit its mistake in making fake claims of domain ownership, that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, should not falsely claim to own the paypal, bank account, DOMAINS of a private citizen who they HATE. The goan bhandari leaders, officials led by pritesh chodankar are extremely SHAMELESS, RUTHLESS in their financial fraud, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of non-goan bhandari professionals, domain investors and should not be trusted

R&AW/cbi should end end their online FINANCIAL FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about their SEX service provider, robber, cheater employees

Make money at home without investment during home quarantine, lockdown

Since the indian government has announced a lockdown, indian citizens are forced to stay at home. For professionals and others who are losing their income because of the lockdown or others who are feeling bored at home, some methods to make some money online, without investing any money, are described at Free Earning. There are online data entry jobs also available at free online data entry jobs for indians, no investment required. Most of the websites are reviewed periodically. Please note that this not easy money for lazy persons, to make money, people will have to work hard to make some money.

Brain drain to USA is because of bribery and identity theft

Many engineers from india’s top college, move to the United States after getting their engineering degree in India, because intelligence and security agencies steal their identity to get raw/cbi jobs for school dropouts, cheater, robber housewives, call girls and other frauds who never answered JEE with R&AW/cbi employees ruthless in exploiting their female classmate.
Corruption levels in India are also very high, with sophisticated bribery methodsused.

Sophisticated bribery techniques in the indian internet sector, fake references

Allegedly bribed by sundar pichai led google, tata, NTRO, raw, cbi are openly involved in a massive sophisticated SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD since 2010, ruthlessly cheating, exploiting a harmless hardworking single woman domain investor to get raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the domain investor, without doing any kind of computer work, without investing any money online at all.

The bribery techniques used are extremely sophisticated, so it will be extremely difficult for the anti corruption bureau to take action against the corrupt LIAR government employees, yet the officials are clearing abusing their powers . The personal relationship between ntro employee sugar daddy j srinivasan, sunaina chodan , is a classic example of sex bribes

Indian intelligence and security agencies show their complete lack of humanity, honesty and integrity when they make completely fake claims about domain ownership to get raw/cbi salaries for their lazy greedy fraud associates, when the whole world knows that they are liars.

To cover up their fraud, the well paid government employees are criminally defaming the real domain investor, as being uneducated and making fake claims about a kolhapur panaji school dropout gujju sex service provider naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh has regular sex with fraud liar gujju officials like raw/ntro employees tushar parekh,parmar, nikhil sha who then make up FAKE STORIES that the school dropout they have SEX with, who has never paid for any domains, owns domains of a single woman domain investor

Gujju officials endless hacking forces domain investor to spend time gardening

The powerful sex addict gujju ntro/raw employees nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh do not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase the domains for their school dropout sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil.
Instead these fraud gujju officials are misusing the million dollar ntro equipment to hack all the laptops, computers, smartphones, cameras, gadgets of the domain investor, to waste her time, money and cause mental stress.
So instead of wasting time fighting the cowardly fraud liar ntro/raw employees the domain investor is spending her time gardening, ordering plants online, and finding out which plants have edible leaves, are easy to grow, filling pots. During a lockdown of corona virus, growing plants with edible leaves at home can reduce the shopping trips

NTRO, google, tata are aware that housewife raw/cbi employees are cooking, housekeeping, yet robbed memory is used to make fake claims

Indicating the lack of honesty and humanity of the sundar pichai led google,tata, ntro employees, these fraud liar employees are aware that robber, cheater, call girl raw/cbi employees are only cooking, housekeeping, enjoying themselves, yet they are using the ROBBED MEMORY of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor to make fake claims about computer work, domain investment since 2010 and all these fraud raw/cbi employees monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.
In all industry sectors, people will acknowledge the time spent by the person working, only in the indian internet sector, the companies and officials are completely devoid of honesty, humanity, so they refuse to acknowledge the time spent doing computer work by hardworking domain investors, making fake claims in a clear case of exploitation of those working online, at home.

5-6 indian state governments ROBBING trade secrets, valuable information from HARMLESS single woman domain investor for ten years using brain wave technology

In one of the worst cases of human rights abuses, ROBBERY, 5-6 state governments are illegally ROBBING trade secrets, valuable information from single woman domain investor for ten years using brain wave technology so that well connected CALL GIRL, ROBBER,CHEATER women can get raw/cbi jobs faking expertise. These fraud ROBBER state governments are officially claiming that the domain investor, a harmless citizen, is a security threat to justify their CRIME, yet no proof has been found for the last ten years.
Still the GREEDY FRAUD robber state governments of goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra do not want to stop the ROBBERY of the single woman engineer, because she is the goa 1989 jee topper, and a large number of companies are willing to pay for the ROBBED MEMORY since they do not want to pay her any salary, consultancy fee these ROBBER companies making millions in profit want the engineer to work like a slave and increase their profit with the ROBBED MEMORY

to cover up their MEMORY ROBBERY, these robber state governments are criminally defaming, TORTURING, harassing the single woman domain investor they are SHAMELESSLY ROBBING encouraged by sundar pichai led google, tata giving the false excuse of domain ownership which these ROBBER states can legally purchase

For more details of how ruthless ROBBER state governments in India are ROBBING a harmless single woman engineer, for ten years at information, expertise, women’s rights . Anyone who can end this state government robbery, please send email to