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No wifi network detected despite attaching wifi dongle due to panaji CYBERCRIME

Indicating rampant cybercrime on domain investor in panaji, goa, the mobile hotspot is disabled in panaji,goa, it is not visible on the desktop despite connecting the dongle . Since this problem was also faced earlier, the domain investor has purchased another wifi dongle from tenda costing Rs 800 yet even for this wifi dongle, the wifi network is not being detected on the computer
This is adversely affecting internet access in panaji, and confirms that cybercriminals are changing the registry settings of the computer of a private citizen so that the wifi dongle is not detected.

Monitoring data transfer shows that some wireless bandwidth is stolen by unidentified persons

Wifi data theft is rampant in panaji, goa using up bandwidth
The domain investor is not using one internet connection, so she decided to use for testing
The ISP is showing 338 MB data transfer, Honeygain is showing 100 MB, IProyal 10 MB sold, so where is more than 190 mb data transfer disappearing
It appears that some cybercriminal is stealing bandwidth data in panaji, goa
The cybercriminal is not active at night, the computer was kept on at night,when internet is free
The data transfer was not much at night, despite keeping it on for 5 hours.

Top intelligence, security agency employees intentionally making errors to get their friends and relatives lucrative raw/cbi jobs

Increasingly security and intelligence agency employees from rich and powerful communities like shivalli brahmins, sindhis, gujjus, goan bhandaris, goans are intentionally make errrors to criminally defame hardworking honest professionals to ruin their reputation and get raw/cbi jobs for lazy greedy mediocre frauds from their community with the stolen resume, savings of the professional.

Find out how the true story of how indian and state governments are openly encouraging and rewarding officials from rich and powerful communities in making errors to criminally defame, cheat, exploit hardworking honest professionals like the goa 1989 jee topper from poor, powerless communities and become richer and more powerful at , which the cowardly mainstream media in India does not cover

In the indian internet sector the top companies allegedly led by google, tata are also extremely aggressive in ensuring that the government does not correct its errors regarding domain ownership, online income for the last 11 years, in a sophisticated form of BRIBERY, government slavery denying some citizens the right to a life of dignity.

Wifi network hacked extensively by ntro/raw employees who are goan bhandari sunaina chodan's lovers

To enjoy free sex with goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan ,ntro/raw employees are hacking the computer and wifi network of a hardworking single woman engineer and then falsely claiming that their favorite goan call girl is doing all the work, when she is not doing any computer work at all.
During the day the internet connection is often blocked
Earlier the wifi was very fast, now it becomes very slow after some time.
In the morning after it is disconnected for the first time, it becomes slow or is blocked

Detective required to investigate correspondence diversion racket in panaji,goa

Harmless single woman engineer, domain investor finds that her correspondence including postal mail, couriers, smses, phone calls in panaji, goa are diverted to raw/cbi employees without a legally valid reason, so that the raw/cbi employees can run a lucrative extortion racket without being questioned since the domain investor is being isolated completely. The main suspects are the relatives of top goa security agency employees caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik who have got government jobs for isolating the domain investor. Looking for a detective who who can find out how the correspondence is diverted and what the raw/cbi employees are doing with the robbed correspondence.
More details at

Mobile hotspot connection hacked intentionally in panaji, goa

Allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian tech, internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi have run the biggest work at home fraud in the world , government SLAVERY racket using a combination of CYBERCRIME , CRIMINAL DEFAMATION racket making up FAKE team stories to get google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan call girls, cheater housewives, scammer students and other frauds who do not spend any money for domains, raw/cbi jobs faking bank account, domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor who is spending her time and money, yet getting nothing due to government SLAVERY.
After being mentally and physically tortured for 11 years, the domain investor is exposing the government SLAVERY, CYBERCRIME.
so when the internet connection is connected first, it is very fast since the FAKE ‘team member’ is allegedly working.
The second time it is very slow, and also the domain investor is attacked on the stomach causing great pain, forcing her to disconnect the connection
The connection is very slow so that the domain investor will remain seated, and the criminal government employees attacking her with radiation weapons can take better aim and cause more damage to the cells and more pain.

Mobile hotspot connection not working second time due to cybercrime in panaji, goa

Due to high levels of cybercrime, the domain investor is removing the sim from the samsung smartphone when it is not being used for long.
When she will connect it, the internet connection is very fast initially for the first time.
If she stops using the connection for some time removing the wifi dongle, and then tries to reconnect, the internet connection is not working
It appears that some script is downloaded on the computer, which will block the internet connection the second time.

Samsung mobile hotspot again disappears in afternoon due to CYBERCRIME in panaji, goa

Indicating widespread CYBERCRIME in panaji, goa, the Samsung mobile hotspot again disappears on 21 August 2021 at 1.30 pm
The Samsung mobile hotspot was visible at 6.30 am in the morning, yet it is missing for the rest of the day.
There is no problem with the internet connection, websites are opening on the smartphone, only there is a problem with the desktop
The desktop, smartphone are owned by a private citizen, no one has the right to tamper with it, yet the CYBERCRIME continues daily, resulting in erratic internet connectivity on desktop

Government agencies refuse to correct incorrect data, end their domain ownership, online FINANCIAL FRAUD started in 2010

In a massive domain ownership, online FINANCIAL FRAUD , allegedly masterminded by the indian tech, internet companies led by google, tata the indian and state government agencies are using 100% FAKE information to make fake claims about iwriter, paypal, bank account, domain ownership since 2010, to waste indian taxpayer money to pay google, tata sponsored call girl, sindhi scammer school dropout, housewife, scammer student and other fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor since 2010. To cover up the FINANCIAL FRAUD, the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner, and the indian government refuses to correct its FAKE data for more 11 years, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor, denying her a life of dignity, violating united nations, ILO norms in a case of government SLAVERY.

Get more information on the world’s biggest government ONLINE FINANCIAL FRAUD, how the indian government is using 100% fake incorrect data to make DUPE countries, companies and people with fake stories about its panaji shameless sindhi scammer school dropout , housewife, scammer student, goan call girl and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay any money for domains, do not have any online income, yet are falsely promoted as online experts, domain investors owning the domains of a private citizen where their fraud news is posted

This also exposes how the rich and powerful communities in india like gujjus, sindhis, goan bhandari, goan gsb, shivalli brahmins, haryana, madhya pradesh banias and other frauds are manipulating the government system to ensure that the indian government uses only incorrect data to make lazy greedy fraud members of their community, rich and powerful, get government salaries with FAKE resumes, fake bank account, while cheating, EXPLOITING , robbing the poorest and most powerless communities in India like the bhandari community of karwar/kumta who are denied the income and opportunities they deserved

Disappearing mobile hotspot wifi is proof of rampant cybercrime in panaji, goa

Indicating rampant discrimination, CYBERCRIME in the indian internet sector, Since 2010, Government agencies ILLEGALLY commit CYBERCRIME on professionals of the poorest and most powerless communities in India doing computer work at home, to get raw/cbijobs for frauds from the richest,most powerful communities like scammer sindhis, shivalli brahmins, greedy gujjus, goans who have fake resumes, fake investment, fake computer work , fake bank account
All the information stolen from the hardworking skilled professionals from the poorest communities is shared by the CORRUPT government agencies with the high status frauds from the rich and powerful communities, so that they can make fake claims about domain investment, computer work, to get monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the hardworking professional, domain investor who legally owns the bank account
The computers of the professional from the poor community are hacked extensively to allow the rich fraud raw/cbi employees control internet access. For example the domain investor has a mobile hotspot which is connected to the desktop using a wifi dongle
Ideally since there is no change in the hardware or software settings in the desktop, smartphone and wifi dongle, the connection should be available at all times. However, due to government CYBERCRIME, the wifi connection is randomly disappearing. In some cases even if the wifi dongle is inserted like on 16 August 2021, since 6.30 am in the morning, no wifi connection is detected at all.
In other cases, like at 7 pm on 15 August 2021, the wifi networks like frisco54 are visible only the samsung mobile hotspot is not showing in the wifi network
At 5 pm on 15 August 2021, the samsung mobile hotspot was connected to the desktop
This clearly shows that government agencies are involved in CYBERCRIME, hacking the computer of a private citizen, to block internet access depending on what is convenient to them, to cause mental stress, waste the time of the domain investor who is already a victim of government slavery and has very less free time and money, adversely affecting her lifestyle