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Only for robbing data, married cheater architect telugu trisha’s wifi hacking network activated

Allegedly one of the reasons why the telugu community is rich and influential is because they are extremely ruthless and aggressive in cheating, exploiting and robbing hardworking professionals and investors from poorer communities, especially migrants from north karnataka who do not have anyone to help them .
Though the greedy cheater architect married architect telugu trisha does not do any computer/mobile work, she and her husband vinay are extremely aggressive in robbing data of a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka and allegedly making fake claims of doing the work to get great powers.
The engineer was in north karnataka for some time for property related work, and when she came back the trisha wifi hacking network was switched off. It appears that telugu officials/leaders are monitoring the engineer very closely and after a few days the trisha_2Ghz wifi hacking network is again switched on for robbing data so that telugu trisha can fake computer/mobile work again to get credit and great powers, while the engineer spending her time and money is criminally defamed as lazy and idle

For allowing installation of sophisticated wifi hacking equipment neighbors rewarded in work at home fraud, slavery racket

One of the most noticeable aspects of the indian tech, internet sector online, financial, work at home fraud, slavery racket is that the neighbors of the single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka are always getting credit, great powers, and in some cases, lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector,
The mobile wifi hotspot has a limited range, so it is important to recruit neigbors for wifi hacking, falsely giving them credit for work they do not do, money they do spend at the expense of the single woman engineer whose data is robbed, as part of the deal to install the sophisticated wifi hacking equipment in their house.

The wifi signal disappears 20-30 meters from the mobile devices, so it is important to recruit the immediate neighbors for installing the sophisticated wifi hacking equipment and running india’s greatest work at home, online, financial fraud, slavery racket, falsely claiming that the neighbors or their fraud relative like telugu trisha who do not spend time

In goa, all the immediate neighbors , goan bhandari and sindhi scammers naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil got government jobs for installing wifi hacking equipment and making fake claims of computer/mobile work, and now in a metro city, fraud architect, telugu trisha is being aggressively promoted, while in hubli, the neighbors have been clearly recruited for faking computer/mobile work while the single woman engineer whose data is robbed is always criminally defamed as idle and not doing any computer/mobile work at all,despite spending her time and money

Wifi connection disrupted just when video viewing is getting over

Watching videos is one of the easiest ways to make money online at present, it will pay far more than online advertising.
However, showing the extent of the harassment the domain investor faces, the wifi connection is getting disrupted repeatedly just before the video viewing is complete.
The viewer is paid only if the complete video is watched in most cases.
So for longer videos, the wifi hotspot connection is getting disconnected when only 10-15 seconds are left
So despite spending a lot of time watching videos, due to lack of stable wifi hotspot connection, the user is not paid.

wifi hotspot connection disconnected repeatedly after financial fraud, online slavery was exposed

Though the online income is very low, the raw/cbi employees are extremely ruthless in their financial fraud,slavery falsely claiming to own the bank account, domains including this and get great powers, a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, migrant from north karnataka.
After the engineer decided to use her savings account for receiving paypal payment, the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket since 2010 was exposed, the raw/cbi employees and their associates are extremely furious.
So now they are disrupting the internet connection, wifi hotspot repeatedly, hacking the connection making it very difficult to work online on the computer/desktop.

Hackers make wireless doorbell ring at night automatically

Indicating the extent of harassment the domain investor faces, hackers hacked her wireless doorbell to make it ring at night repeatedly.
The domain investor was fast asleep, when she woke to the sound of the doorbell ringing repeatedly.
When she rushed to find out what the problem was, she found that there was no one visible.
The wireless doorbell was ringing at night only for harassment and for character assasination, making a noise at night.
So now the doorbell is disabled at night, so that there is no noise

shameless greedy gujju fraud stock broker raw employee amita patel continues to ROB data using wifi networks to get monthly government salary

One of the best indications of the widespread rot in indian society, tech and internet sector is how frauds, liars, cheaters are considered high status and respectable to give them great powers, monthly government salary for faking their online income, domain ownership.
Though the shameless greedy gujju fraud stock broker raw employee amita patel has a networth of more than rs 100 crores, like other domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees especially indore cheater deepika/veena she continues her massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, ROBBING data using wifi networks to fake online income and domain ownership and getting a monthly government salary as reward for CYBERCRIME, LIES, FRAUD
showing how the rich and powerful like shameless greedy gujju fraud stock broker raw employee amita patel remain india’s top ONLINE FRAUDSTERS, the greedy gujju cheater amita patel, refuses to legally purchase the domains, though she has been getting a monthly government salary since 2013 only for FAKING domain ownership, cheating the real domain investor of more than Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013.
Additionally how the rich are experts in spreading fake rumors to cover up their financial fraud, the greedy gujju cheater amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming that puneet, tushar parekh and their other fraud powerful boyfriends, allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who do not pay expenses, are owning the domains, though the greedy gujjus are fully aware that cheater liar government employees are not paying for the domains at all.

latest torture weapon for human rights abuses causes insomnia the entire night

For more than 13 years powerful top government employees have been running a very lucrative RESUME ROBBERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY racket on the hardworking domain investor to get their lazy greedy girlfriends and relatives lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
Now these greedy liar top government employees cannot justify why the domain investor, a hardworking harmless single woman engineer who these government employees HATE should do all the computer work, pay all the expenses and keep quiet while the indian government agencies criminally defame her, making fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees who do not want to purchase domains, while refusing to acknowledge the work she does, money the single woman spends
So it appears that the latest wireless torture weapons are being used on the single woman engineer to ruin her health, cause insomnia, so that she does not do shopping and these cruel liar top government employees can make fake black money allegations to cover up their human rights abuses.

While earlier the domain investor could at least sleep for a few hours at night despite being tortured, now the latest torture weapon does not allow the domain investor to sleep at night at all. Despite taking multiple sleeping pills, melatonin supplements, the domain investor cannot sleep at night. It appears that indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena has a white dog owning bespectacled slim female associate who is always taking her dog out for a walk, when the domain investor goes shopping.

It appears that the domain investor was not expected to be alive, so the dog owning young woman associate of indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena was staring at the domain investor for a long time, as if she was shocked that she was alive

Wifi hotspot being cloned

Indicating the high levels of cybercrime, work at home fraud in india , the domain investor finds that her wifi hotspot is being cloned so that some lazy greedy young fraud can falsely take credit, get great powers, monthly government salary
The domain investor was using the network, Slavery, she noticed that the network automatically was named Slavery 2
So she changed the network name to Cheatertris, now she is finding that the network name when connected to the internet is changed to cheatertris 2 indicating that the wifi hotspot is being cloned for faking computer work at home.

Both the smartphones are hacked, so connecting to the internet is not possible

Itel smartphone is hacked, so it cannot be unlocked
Redmi phone hacked, wifi hotspot not visible when dongle is attached to computer

All other hotspots are visible like
Wireless network connection 40

After banking fraud of young fraud architect telugu trisha exposed, her associates hack Itel smartphone

Internet connection becomes very slow when paypal, online fraud of raw/cbi employees exposed

Showing the extremely high levels of CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector, raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money and time are falsely claiming to own the domains, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, single woman engineer who they HATE, criminally defame in the worst manner since 2010, and getting very good monthly government salaries at her expense.
Slander, cybercrime and fake rumors are very effective in running india’s greatest financial fraud, so when the domain investor was asked for her id proof, and paypal proof, it appears that the great online, financial fraud of the raw/cbi employees was exposed. They were expecting the engineer to provide goa id proof which could be easily manipulated,.
So now the internet connection is very slow, it is difficult to open even a single page.
Goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, did not have any kind of proof, yet showing how fraud is rampant in the indian internet sector, she was making fake claims with the help of her husband cheater caro for more than 10 years and also robbing all the infolinks and other revenues
Due to the government slavery, the officials are aware that the domain investor has very less free time, so to harass her further they are making the internet connection slow and wasting more time